As I hit publish on this, my wife and I just closed the deal on the purchase of our first home. We both do our best to make well planned decisions in most cases, but the decision to buy a home was quite impulsive and definitely the best impulsive decision we could make (at least we think so for now).
Journey to my first home
Setting up a family email address
Marriages and families share a lot of similarities with businesses. One of the major similarities is information management. My wife and I join on a lot of things like finances, and a lot of other decisions. I might be the only information nerd in the relationship but I do like for all the information that concerns us to be easily accessible to her too.
Ban embed scripts
Owning and managing a blog of your own offers a feeling of complete control over content decision in a world where majority of content is on social media platforms. My favorite part of it is that I get to decide how good the experience will be for my content consumers.
Redefining affordability
Ever wondered what it means for anyone to say they can afford something? I have learned we all have varying perceptions of affordability so I am writing this to talk about mine without trying to sway you from whatever yours may be.
Hide mailto email links with Netlify functions
The web is plagued with crawlers in search of anything in the form of an email address. They scrape personal websites, public repositories on github, and anywhere indexable. While there are easier ways to display an email address while hiding it from crawlers, it is not as easy to have a mailto link without the destination email in it within the markup.
Activate work in a single command
For a long time of working with tmux (terminal multiplexer), I’ve found it very helpful in separating all the consoles I need to run servers and REPLs for my workspace. Rather than opening multiple terminal tabs and windows, I can delegate a single tab to all tasks for one job.